Delivery Review Board

Published date: April 15, 2024, Version: 1.0

Purpose of this ceremony is to ensure delivery across CTR and our partners, remove friction, normalize approach, and making the right decision for our programs as a whole.

Attendees : AVPs and delivery leads

As a Delivery Lead, please come prepared to speak to the following:

  1. What’s your timeline?

  2. What’s your scope burn down? (burn down velocity and story points to completion)

  3. How is your quality? (Automated test coverage, pass rate, defect count, Accessibility)

  4. How is your Budget burn down? (How much did you have?, how much is left?, how much do you need?)

  5. What are your dependencies, risks and issues?

  6. What are the dependent initiatives?

  7. What’s your Release Plan? When is this going live? (Branching strategy)


  • Issues have arisen preventing the project from delivering. Escalation is required.


  • Issues have arisen that might prevent the team from delivering. No escalation required.


  • No issues. No escalation is required.