Defect Management

Published date: April 15, 2024, Version: 1.0

A Defect is an application/document anomaly or a flaw. Symptoms of faults in applications/documents that are sufficiently mature for testing are considered Defects. In other words, a deviation from the expected outcome is termed a Defect. The defect management process is the same for any velocity of the program. Jira is the tool to capture Defects and track them.

Changes required in current Jira workflow – Jira has defined defect workflow as the same as user story workflow. Defect workflow has to be modified to reflect all types of priorities, severities, same workflow consistently across the projects and programs. So that, it will ensure data consistency while capturing and helps to automate the metrics dashboard with a single approach and with more data accuracy. Guidelines for all critical areas of the defect management process are provided in the below sections.


Defect Prioritization

Defect Severity:

Defect severity is used to determine how the defects must be attended to. Defect Severity is a classification of a software/document anomaly or flaw based on the degree of impact the error or fault has on business operations, the development of a system, or the operation.

In Jira, the field ‘severity’ is not being used; instead, an issue has a priority level which indicates its importance being defined by the backlog prioritization list.

The best indicator for defining severity is the impact on the business. However, when Quality Engineers raise defects, the impact on business may not be immediately known. Furthermore, certain defects that cause significant disruption in testing or development efforts, or affect many users, may still be classified as high severity.

The currently defined priorities are listed below. The Severity Levels are:

Defect Status/Jira Workflow

The Defect Status provides insight into activities underway for the defect identified.


Severity Level Definition IEEE JIRA Priority Prioritiztion

The defect results in the failure of the complete software system, of a subsystem, or of a software unit (program or module) within the system. 

This means a show-stopper in terms of the testing activities or a potentially catastrophic impact on business after the system or application is put into Production.



Blocks development and/or testing work, production could not ru

The defect results in the failure of the complete software system, of a subsystem, or of a software unit (program or module) within the system.

There is no way to make the failed component(s) work as they are. However, there are acceptable processing alternatives that will yield the desired result.



Crashes, loss of data, severe memory leak
The defect does not result in a failure, but causes the system to produce incorrect, incomplete, or inconsistent results, or the defect impairs the system’s usability



Major loss of function
The defect does not cause a failure, does not impair usability, and the desired processing results are easily obtained by working around the defect



Minor loss of function, or other problem where easy workaround is present
The defect is the result of non-conformance to a standard, is related to the aesthetics of the system, or is a request for an enhancement. Defects at this level may be deferred or even closed because no action will be taken



Cosmetic problem like misspelled words or misaligned text
JIRA Status Description  


Defect  or bug is logged pending review and assignment.



The defect or bug is currently being analyzed.



The defect or bug in the JIRA backlog is being reviewed and prioritized by the product owner



The defect or bug is being assigned to a resource to resolve the defect.



The code is currently being reviewed and not ready for QA testing.



The assigned resource has corrected the defect or bug.



The correction has been placed in the QA  test environment to be validated by a test resource. 



The defect or bug has been tested by a QA resource and waiting for review.



The corrected defect  was reviewed and/or tested and was found to satisfy the requirement /acceptance criteria or technical design specification or need to be re-opened.



The corrected defect or bug was found to satisfy the requirement/acceptance criteria or technical design specification.



The corrected defect or bug was found to satisfy the requirement/acceptance criteria or technical design specification.  This status is not always used.


Defect Type

All the defects logged in testing are predominantly categorized by commonly occurring root causes, as described below. This is captured under the “Root Cause” field of Jira. The developer must update this field when marking the defect as Fixed.

Status Status Definition  


Defect related to a code issue



Defect about a configuration error



Defects related to environmental issues



Defect related to requirement error


User/Tester Error

The problem was with the tester, or the person who found the bug


Defect Management Process Capability Deployment

Defect Identification and Submission

Entry Criteria Responsibility

The test case failed during execution, and a defect was found

QE Specialist

Key Activities:

Activity Responsibility Deliverables/Outputs

Log a defect in Jira with Status = “To Do”

QE Specialist

The new defect created in the corresponding Jira project and linked with a test case (for traceability)



Assign it to Defect Manager for triaging

Link the defect to the corresponding test case in Jira

Exit Criteria:

A new defect is created and assigned to Developer for analysis or Release Quality Manager (RQM)/QE Specialist for triaging


Defect Triaging:

Entry Criteria Responsibility

A new defect is entered into Jira for the project

Release Quality Manager (RQM)/ Quality Engineer

Key Activities

Activity Responsibility Deliverables/Outputs

Discuss the weakness in the triage meeting (Validate severity, priority)

  • update defect status to “Analysis”

Release Quality Manager (RQM)/ Quality Engineer

A validated defect was assigned for remediation

Validate that the defect is an actual defect, as confirmed by the development team in the triage call.

Assign the defect to the correct development team or developer for remediation OR cancel the defect if not valid.

  • update defect status to “PRIORITIZED”

Exit Criteria:

The defect is prioritized, determined to be valid and assigned to the correct development team for remediation.

Alternatively, if the defect is invalid – the defect is marked as CLOSED, and Root Cause for the defect is updated


Defect Triage Meetings (if required)

Defect Triage Meetings are where outstanding defects are discussed to prioritize, discuss workarounds and assign defects to the development team. Defect Triage Meetings are chaired by the

ART Release Quality Manager (RQM) assigned for the project/release. Meeting frequency occurs regularly, as defined in the test strategy, depending on the project’s volume of defects and criticality of release.

  • Determine if the defect is valid

  • Validate that sufficient information has been provided to enable a speedy resolution of the defect

  • Validate severity and priority classification applied by the defect originator

  • Assign the defect to the appropriate remediation team 

  • Review Rejected defects (defects returned from dev teams)

Attendees TBD
Frequency As indicated in the test strategy

List status TO DO, need more information or rejected defects, ordered by severity and then by status (e.g. Critical New defects first)

  • Updates to Jira (Status, remediation team assignment)

  • Key action items and meeting minutes

Defect Remediation:

Entry Criteria Responsibility  

A new defect is triaged and assigned to the development team for remediation.

ART Release Quality Manager (RQM)

Activity Responsibility Deliverables/Outputs

Fix the defect in the development environment

  • Update defect detail

  • when fixing update defect status to “IN PROGRESS”

  • Update the Root Cause for the defect


Updated Jira defect

Assign to Dev Lead / Environment team for deployment

Post Deployment – update defect status to “Ready for QA”

Development Lead

Assign defect to Quality Engineer to Retest

Development Lead

Exit Criteria:

The defect is either the “Ready for QA” . Defect details explaining the fix/reason for rejection are mentioned


Exceptions / Alternate flows

Developer Needs more information (from QE team) for remediation

Activity Responsibility Deliverables / Outputs
  • Update required information

  • Update defect status to “Ready for QA”

  • Assign back to Quality Engineer

Quality Engineer

Updated Jira defect with Question

Invalid Defect:

Activity Responsibility Deliverables / Outputs
  • Update required information

  • Update defect status to “ANALYSIS” in the triage meeting

  • Assign back to Quality Engineers/Release Quality Manager (RQM)

Development Lead

Updated Jira defect

Defect Closure & Retest the Defect:

Activity Responsibility Deliverables/Outputs
The defect is fixed and re-assigned to Quality Engineer in the “READY FOR QA” Status. Development Lead Updated Jira status

Retest the defect

  • update defect status to “READY FOR REVIEW”

Quality Engineer Updated Jira status

Exit Criteria:

The defect is either “DONE” or “IN PROGRESS”

“DONE” is the final status. “IN PROGRESS” implies the defect is not fixed and must be remediated again.


Roles & Responsibilities:

Role Responsibilities

Defect Manager (RQM)

(Defect Manager might be played by ART Release Quality Manager (RQM) in many projects)

  • Facilitate training in Defect Management Process

  • Responsible for Defect Triage Meetings scheduling and facilitation


Review critical/high-severity defect ownership



Review rejected defects





Review critical/high severity defect business priority and technical severity





Defect Triage Meeting Minutes



Identify defect trends and deviations above threshold values in key performance indicators related to defects.



Develop and present Root Cause Analysis Report to Leadership


Defect Originator

(Quality Engineer)





Log Defect in Jira with steps to recreate

Review the defect fix described in the defect record

Prepare/re-execute failed test cases for system defects

Reopen the defect and assign it back to the correct team; if the defect retest fails

  • Business Analyst/Product Owner

Correct requirement errors


Participate in Defect Triage meetings as needed


Provide solutions/clarifications as needed

Development Lead
  • Participate in Daily Defect Meetings

  • Review critical/high-severity defect ownership

  • Review rejected defects

  • Review ‘Open’ or ‘reopened’ defects and determine if the defect is valid

  • Review code when defects are fixed, as applicable

  • Mark the defect as Rejected if the defect is invalid

  • Mark the defect from “Fixed” to “Ready to Test” once the defect is deployed in the test environment.

Jira Tool Admin
  • To define and manage workflows in Jira

  • To create and maintain user groups

  • To control access to projects for users