Batch Testing

Published date: April 15, 2024, Version: 1.0

Who: Batch Testing is typically performed by a team of Quality Engineers who specialize in batch processing and understand batch systems' specific requirements and intricacies.

When: Batch testing is carried out during the testing phase of a project when batch processes need to be validated for their accuracy and reliability.


1. Batch scheduling and job management tools:

  • hese tools allow testers to schedule and manage the execution of batch jobs, monitor their progress, and capture relevant logs and metrics.

2. Automated testing frameworks:

  • Test automation tools or frameworks can be used to automate the execution of batch processes, validate expected outputs, and compare them against the desired results.

3. Database management tools:

  • Batch testing often involves working with databases, so tools for managing and querying databases can be used to verify the accuracy of data processing and data integrity during batch operations.

Purpose: The purpose of batch testing is to ensure the proper execution and integrity of batch processes. Batch processes typically involve executing a series of transactions in a sequential manner, and the success of batch processing depends on all transactions being executed correctly or none at all.

Batch testing aims to achieve the following objectives:

1. Transactional Accuracy:

  • The primary objective of batch testing is to verify the accuracy and correctness of each transaction within the batch. Testers validate that the expected inputs and outputs for each transaction are processed accurately, without any data loss or corruption.

2. Error Handling:

  • Batch testing also focuses on testing the error handling and recovery mechanisms of the batch system. Testers intentionally introduce errors or exceptions to assess how the batch system handles such scenarios and whether it can recover and resume processing without compromising data integrity.

3. Rollback and Recovery:

  • Batch processes often require the ability to rollback or recover from failures. Testers verify that the batch system can successfully roll back or recover from errors, ensuring that data remains consistent and that no partial or incomplete transactions are processed.

4. Resource Management:

  • Batch testing includes verifying that the batch system efficiently utilizes system resources such as memory, CPU, and storage during the execution of batch processes. Testers assess resource utilization and scalability to ensure optimal performance.

Batch testing techniques such as complete execution and partial execution (application level or system level termination) are employed to test different aspects of batch processing and validate the expected behaviors.

The pass criteria for batch testing typically involve ensuring that all transactions are executed successfully, without any errors or data inconsistencies. In the case of partial execution, the tester ensures that the application rolls back to the previous state without any transactions being processed.

By performing thorough batch testing, organizations can ensure the reliability, accuracy, and robustness of their batch processes, thereby minimizing the risk of data corruption, system failures, and financial losses.