Architecture Review Board (ARB)

Published date: April 15, 2024, Version: 1.0


In Agile methodologies, an Architecture Review Board (ARB) is a governance body responsible for overseeing and guiding the architectural decisions and direction of a software project or product. The primary purpose of the ARB is to ensure that the architecture aligns with the organization's strategic goals, remains consistent, scalable, and maintains high-quality standards throughout the development process.

Who does the ARB Consist of?

The ARB typically consists of senior technical stakeholders, architects, and sometimes key business representatives. Its role is not to dictate every detail of the architecture but to provide guidance, facilitate collaboration, and ensure that architectural decisions are well-informed and align with the overall business objectives.

Key Responsibilities

1. Architectural Guidance

  • Provide guidance and best practices related to software architecture, design patterns, and technology selection to the development teams.

2. Quality Assurance

  • Ensure that the proposed architecture adheres to quality standards, complies with security guidelines, and follows established coding practices.

3. Alignment with Business Goals

  • Verify that the architectural decisions align with the business objectives, customer needs, and future scalability requirements.

4. Risk Assessment

  • Identify potential architectural risks and provide mitigation strategies to address them effectively.

5. Collaboration Facilitation

  • Foster collaboration between different development teams and stakeholders to ensure coherence and consistency in architectural decisions across the organization.

6. Evaluation of Change Requests

  • Review and approve or reject proposed changes to the architecture and assess their impact on the project.

7. Continuous Improvement

  • Monitor the success of architectural decisions and learn from experiences to continuously improve the architectural guidelines and processes.

8. Communication

  • Ensure clear communication channels between the ARB and development teams, making architectural decisions transparent and understandable.