PI Planning

Published date: April 15, 2024, Version: 1.0

What is PI Planning ?

  • A 2-3 day PI Planning event every 12 weeks 
  • Everyone Plans Together 
  • Business share their objectives and Product vision/priorities
  • Product Management owns Epic priorities
  • ART teams own Story planning and high-level estimates
  • Agile Teams build out their delivery plans and align with the Business 
  • System Architect and UX work as intermediaries 

The PI Planning Process

PI Planning

Why is it important?

  • Business and IT (Technology/Technical) align priorities and set implementation objectives for the upcoming PI Planning

  • Provides the opportunity to align on a common understanding on commitments (ART Board and PI Planning Objectives) for the whole team on the upcoming PI Planning

  • Providing the opportunity for ‘just the right amount’ of architecture and Lean User Experience (UX) guidance

  • Having everyone together (in the same room or virtually) enables fast decision-making, ability to match the Business demand to the Team’s capacity, identify cross-team dependencies

  • It also allows the Business to shape the plan and guide the teams

After PI Planning

  • Capture team/squad objectives and stories in Agile project management tooling

  • Aggregate team/squad PI Objectives to Product PI Objectives

  • Team Sync, PO Sync, and Iteration Review and System Demo cadences 

  • Product Backlog refinement and next PI Planning preparation

  • Summarizing PI Planning retrospective results

  • Cleaning up the room!

After the planning event is done, the RTE and other ART stakeholders summarize the individual team PI objectives into a set of Product PI objectives and use this to communicate externally and to track progress toward the goals.

Outputs of PI Planning

Committed PI Objectives

  • A set of SMART objectives that are created by each team with the business value assigned by the Business Owners.

Program Board

  • Highlighting the new epic delivery dates, dependencies among teams and relevant Milestones.

Iteration Plans for Each Team

  • Each team has scheduled user stories for each iteration in the PI; they have a plan to follow.