Team Agreement

Published date: April 15, 2024, Version: 1.0


In Agile development, a team agreement is a document or set of guidelines that outlines the shared understanding and commitments of the Agile team members. It serves as a reference and a common framework for collaboration, decision-making, and working together effectively. The team agreement helps foster a positive and productive team culture while aligning team members around shared values and practices.

Every team must create team agreement and adhere to that.

Definition of Team Values

  • Ask for help when we need it

  • Be transparent and honest

  • Actively give constructive feedback

  • Join meetings on time

  • Communicate the schedule and mark absences to the work calendar

  • Align on what mode communication

Working Agreements

  • All user stories must have all the details, fields and acceptance criteria defined

  • Detailed grooming must be done with Development and QE teams

  • Stories once ready for testing must be updated with the right status so that QE owner can proceed with the varification steps

  • There should be clear communication (preferebly via Jira ) between QE and Development team when there is any defect raised, or when story is verified and ready for deployment

  • Update Jira when the work is done

  • Update the tasks with the hours are burnt

  • Link all pull requests to Jira issues

Roles and Responsibilities

  • Product Owner & Scrum Master should know their responsibilities

  • Development & QE team should have the right skills required for the role

  • Specialized roles should have the experties to handle the criticality of the role

Decision-Making Process

  • Agreement of the capacity planning process

  • Alignment on the estimation process & letting story owners assign the story points and provide the relevant reasoning for the same

  • Adhering to Definition of Readiness before Iteration Planning

  • Adhering to Definition of Done before closing the Iteration