ART Events

Published date: April 15, 2024, Version: 1.0

The Agile Release Train (ART) is a long-lived team of Agile teams that incrementally develops, delivers, and often operates one or more solutions in a value stream, and here are all the events required to be conducted/attended at ART level.


Events   What Participants Frequency Duration                         

PI Planning

Start of every PI, 2-day planning event for all Team Members

Facilitator- RTE

Participants-All teams

Every 3 months

2-3 days

Activities: Product & architecture vision presentation along with preparation of Team backlog

Outcomes: Planned team backlogs to be delivered in 3 months and PI objectives for each team


ART Sync


Coach Sync

Twice-weekly Program Level sync to focus on overall progress and impediments.


Participants-Team Coach/SM, POs (Optional)


(can happen everyday for new teams)

30 mins

Activities: Coaches sync up to review the KPIs and dependencies

Outcome: Refined dependency tracker

PO Sync

Twice-weekly Program Level sync to focus on overall progress and impediments.




30 mins

Activities: Refine ART backlog, assess scope adjustment & progress towards meeting ART PI objective

Outcome: Updated ART backlog

System Demo

Every Iteration (if possible) Program Team demos the completed work to Business Owners & Leadership

Facilitator- Team Coach

Participants-Business, Agile Team

End of the iteration

0.5-1 hours

Activities: Agile team provides working demo on Pre-prod environment for developed features

Outcomes: Feedback points from Business representatives

Inspect & Adapt

End of every PI show complete solution, review metrics and improvement areas

Facilitator- RTE

Participants-All teams

End of the PI

Half day

Activities: Dicuss what went well and what can be improved

Outcome: Improvement points to be adapted

Epic Refinement

Throughout PI (typically from mid-PI), review and refine the Epic Backlog


Participants-POs, Business, Architect, UX lead

Weekly Twice

1 hours

Activities: Re-align the Epic and Feature priorities and update the ART backlog accordingly

Outcome: Updated Capabilities & ART backlogs

IP Iteration

Occurs as the last iteration of every PI

Facilitator- Team Coach

Participants- All ART members

Every PI

2 weeks


As described thoroughly in IP Iteration - Product Engineering Centre of Excellence - Confluence (


Objectives for next PI and updated learning program