Developers Unit Testing

Published date: April 15, 2024, Version: 1.0

Unit testing is a software testing technique that focuses on verifying the correctness and functionality of individual units of code. Each unit, typically a function, method, or class, is tested independently to ensure it behaves as expected and meets its intended functionality.

The primary goal of unit testing is to isolate and test the smallest testable units of code in isolation from the rest of the system. By doing so, unit tests help identify defects or bugs in the code early in the development process, allowing for easier debugging and reducing the likelihood of introducing regressions when making changes.

Here are the key characteristics and components of unit testing:


  • Unit tests should be independent of other units of code and external dependencies
  • Each unit test should focus solely on the specific unit under the test and not rely on the behavior of other units or external systems


  • Unit tests are typically automated, meaning they can be executed automatically and repeatedly without manual intervention
  • This enables faster and more frequent execution of tests, ensuring that code changes do not introduce unexpected errors or issues

Test Frameworks

  • Unit tests are written using specialized testing frameworks or libraries that provide tools and utilities for defining, organizing, and executing tests.
  • Examples of popular unit testing frameworks include JUnit for Java, NUnit for .NET, and pytest for Python

Mocking and Stubbing

  • Unit tests often employ techniques such as mocking or stubbing to isolate the unit under test from its dependencies
  • Mock objects or stubs are used to simulate the behavior of external dependencies, allowing the focus to remain on testing the specific unit without involving the real dependencies


  • Unit tests include assertions, which are statements that verify the expected behavior or outcome of the unit being tested
  • Assertions compare the actual result produced by the unit with the expected result, and if they match, the test is considered to have passed; otherwise, it is considered a failure

Test Coverage

  • Unit tests aim to achieve a high level of code coverage, ensuring that tests exercise the majority of the codebase
  • This helps identify untested or poorly tested code areas and promotes overall code quality.

Adoption expectations:

Steps MVP MVP+

Establish unit testing practice for new code changes



Add unit tests coverage quality gate



Adopt Test-Driven development approach




Functionality Tool Name

Version Control System


Version Control Collaboration

Azure DevOps Repo, Bitbucket

Artifact Management System

JFrog Artifactory, Azure Artifacts

Unit Testing Frameworks

JUnit for Java, NUnit for .NET, and pytest for Python


Name  Responsibilities

Scrum Master/Team Coach

Coach and support usage of version control and unit testing code coverage


Develop unit tests and support unit tests coverage for new code changes

Adopt Test-Driven development approach

Build Engineer

Integrate automated quality gates to promote code changes

Unit testing is a fundamental practice in modern software development, enabling developers to catch defects early, facilitate code refactoring, improve maintainability, and build a suite of tests that provide confidence in the correctness of the software. By testing units in isolation, developers can validate the functionality and behavior of individual components, leading to more robust and reliable software systems.